Modify Rates - Groups

The Modify Rates command allows you to modify the Group's Room Rates directly from the Group Stay information screen, without having to go into the Group Reservation Wizard.  This button in the local tool bar of the Folio screen opens the Rate Definition screen directly, where you can modify the rates as applicable.

Note: This command can be found in both individual and Group Main Folios.

Often, Properties have a Group Block Rate set as one of the available Rate Plans. Yours may be one of these. However, if you do not, and you have a specially negotiated rate for this Group, once the Group Block has been created you can add it here, or you can change it if necessary.

With a Group booking you can enter "custom rates" which allow you to define a rate by occupancy (single/double/triple/quad) for a specific group, or by each room type associated with that group.  

Note: If you modify rates AFTER rooms have been picked up, the rate on those picked up will NOT be changed automatically. Picked up rooms will need to be modified individually



Click the Modify Rates button, (which appears as a dollar bill Modify Rates button (Dollar Bill)) from the toolbar at the top of the Group Main Folio screen.

Group Main Folio screen with location of Modify Rates button circled

This will open the Rate Definition screen (identical to that found in the Wizard, except without the access buttons for the Wizard along the top section; using the Modify Rate button rather than the Modify Group button to access the screen means that you can only return to the Main Folio screen when finished).

Rate Definition screen

The Rate Definition screen shows all Folios associated with the Group, and the rates assigned to each room for each Folio.

You may alter any fields on the screen, as in the Group Wizard:

Set the Rates for the Date Range: The Date range specified here will be as previously selected, and will be displayed in the grid below. You can change it here if desired.

Set Custom Rates: For Booking or For Room Type: You may select the option Set Custom Rates which will allow you to set rates for Single, Double, Triple, or Quad occupancy in your rooms, either by booking or by Room Type.

If the Rate is different between nights, the rate can also be set per night, per Room Type, using the grid that appears when the option is selected.

Check the Set Custom Rates checkbox. When the screen refreshes you will see additional fields that allow you to enter rates for single, double, triple, and quad rooms for the booking. You can also select to enter custom rates either by room type or for the booking as a whole.

Rate Definition screen with Custom Rates by Room Type checked

Enter the appropriate rate by Room Type, then click the Set button for each Folio/Room/Date where you made changes.

 If the Room Rates are the same regardless of occupancy, you do NOT need to select the Custom Rates check box.

Entering it into the box next to the Room Type and then clicking "Set" will set the rate for that Room Type for ALL the nights included in the Group Block.

(For each Date/Room Type you can instead manually enter it into the individual boxes to change the rate amount for that night, for that room. This allows you to enter a different rate per day/room type if needed).   

Rate Definition screen Custom Rates section

You WILL need to set the rate for EACH Room Type SEPARATELY here. The rates do NOT have to be the same for each Room Type.


The Room Rates displayed are for THESE Room Types on THESE dates for THIS Group ONLY. If you make any changes they will be reflected on the Group Folio Screen. If you need to change custom rates for other Groups you will need to adjust the rates on their specific Rate Definition Screen.


Once you are happy with the rates that will be charged for the rooms you have in your Group Block you may return to the Stay Folio screen by clicking the orange button Stay Screen >>.

This will open the Group Folio screen once more. Opening the Nights/Pick up tab will allow you to see what the current Rates for each Room Type, for each night, are, displayed in the Nights section.

Group Main Folio screen open to Nights Pick Up tab, with Nights section highlighted


Date Updated January 29, 2024